This install will put arch Linux on a micro SD card, and does not modify your shield at all if you so choose. First download these 2 files.
Archlinux Stage 3 install…-latest.tar.gz
Kernel (Credits to jagger11 from his thread) You only need nvidia_boot.img…zZtX0Z5OENxdU0
To intstall
1. Unlock your shield TV
2. Format your SD card to EXT4
3. Mount the SD card
4. As the root user on your linux distro (not sudo) run this command (From the same directory that you downloaded that file to, and replacing mountpoint to where you mounted the SD to)
bsdtar -xpf ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-generic-latest.tar.gz -C mountpoint
5. Unmount the drive, then run the command "sync". When that finishes, pull the SD card from the computer.
6. Put the SD in the shield
7. Reboot to bootloader (adb reboot fastboot) with your preferred method
8. Boot Linux
To boot it once run this
a) fastboot boot nvidia_boot.img
To save to recovery run this (Reboot android to recovery to boot arch after)
b) fastboot flash recovery nvidia_boot.img
Default users and passwords are
For more information, check this page.
Tested Working
*TTY Terminals
*Framebuffer (Install X11 as usual and xf86-video-fbdev)
*WIFI (Should work)
*Bluetooth (Probably doesn’t work)
*3D acceleration (Will work on this in the future)
*You tell me
I’ll format this a bit better later, but hopefully this is a good start. I have some good tips and tricks to add if people are interested in this, and was able to watch quite a lot of my videos in vlc even on framebuffer. Please give me some feedback on what you want to see, and ask any questions. I’ll be glad to help!